featuring performers Alex Law, Julia Santoli,Sally Rhodes, and Yao Qingmei, Movement Research at Judson Church, Thanks Asian Cultural Coucil New York Fellowship . Photo by Rachel Keane
featuring performers Alex Law, Julia Santoli,Sally Rhodes, and Yao Qingmei, Movement Research at Judson Church, Thanks Asian Cultural Coucil New York Fellowship . Photo by Rachel Keane
featuring performers Alex Law, Julia Santoli,Sally Rhodes, and Yao Qingmei, Movement Research at Judson Church, Thanks Asian Cultural Coucil New York Fellowship . Photo by Rachel Keane
Yao Qingmei
Blowing a Feather
Moment Research New York
Courtesy of artist
©Adagp, Paris, 2024
The performers blow a feather until it lands. This
performance unfolds in a practice-like manner,
incorporating experiments with sound, text
fragments, breath rhythms, and body movements.
In the brief moments when the feather is blown up
and then descends, each performer showcases
their unique movement vocabulary and training
experience. Jumps, spins, twists, whistling,
murmurs, screams— the performers' movements
and sounds are continuously interrupted by the
falling feather. In an uncontrollable randomness
led by the feather, performers gradually gather
into a group. Ultimately, we collaborate to gently
blow the feather, moving slowly, achieving a
bodily resonance within the choral harmony.